There is a higher than average level of stress within the legal profession. This may take the form of anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug misuse, family issues, work pressures, practice pressures and related problems.
The ACT Bar Association has recognised the seriousness of these issues and has established BarCare to assist members in dealing with such pressures. BarCare is a confidential service to assist barristers that acts independently from the ACT Bar Association.
Panel members hold the following attributes:
- Formal qualifications in counselling or clinical psychology, or organisational psychology;
- Seniority and experience in their professional field;
- Experience in working with lawyers;
- Completely independent practitioners in private practice settings.
Members are encouraged to make separate contact with any panel member and organise a consultation. The Bar Association meets the cost of the first consultation for all barristers holding an ACT Practising Certificate. The members will be responsible for payment of any additional consultations. (Medicare and/or insurance rebates may be available.)
To find out more about BarCare download the flyer below, contact the CEO on (02) 6257 1437 or email